The HotGlue project was one of the first assignments we were given. This assignment was to use HotGlue to create a functional portfolio using the tools given in the online application. The link to the left shows the steps that the page went through from beginning to finish with sketches and notes. I all along tried to keep the designs as minimal as possible because i find that it usually makes a page feel cleaner and much easier to use, this idea came from looking at some of the most popular websites such as Google, Bing, Twitter, Apple & Vice. This minimal style also allows me to use all the space on the page without it feeling too clustered or too much on the eye.
HotGlue uses a drag and drop system allowing you to easily create basic pages that are functional with most smartphones and tablets and well as working with Mac and PC. HotGlue does however face a couple of glitches, for example there is a noticeable restriction on the design elements and functionality due to it being so simple and only really being intended for basic and easy design. Another issue is that the pages sometimes are not very easily compatible with some browsers, Internet Explorer appears to be the worst for this as it seems to change the proportions of the page, Chrome & Safari seem to run virtually perfectly, with some hiccups on a Mac with the drag and drop commands.
Navigation Page
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Hotglue Project
BrisEvent - Application Deisgn
Click to see development...
Try my design by scanning this QR Code into the AppFurnace application that can be downloaded from both the Android store and from the Apple App store.
BrisEvent was the second assignment we were given, the assignment was to create an app about almost anything within the possibilities of AppFurnace and to present our sketches and development.
The idea behind BrisEvent is that you can go onto the app and select any day of the week or weekend and be able to find a nightclub or bar to suit what you want to do that evening and get a general idea of where it is and the prices, this came from being a new student in Bristol and wanting to be able to more easily find and locate venues in Bristol that interest me. The application is based at students from 18-25 primarily as that is the target age of this industry. To see drawings and notes relating to this project please click the text below the video.
AppFurnace is the website we used to develop our applications, this works on a very similar basis to HotGlue in the sense that its drag and drop based from a list of available actions. Because it uses this system it is subject to the same flaws, you can only really design within the tools available and because its designed to be so easy to use you are limited in what you can do. The site does however give you a nice selection of tools and most of what is needed to make a simple, quick app easily is there, however this is probably not a site to develop complex games, utility or productivity applications on, however is probably quite useful for making apps to promote events or businesses or for information.